3 errori di automatizzazione che devi smettere di fare subito

Usare brutti abitudini di automatizzazione ti renderanno pigro e incapace. Tieni il sociale nel social media e rimani umano dove conta.

Mica dici sempre che l’automatizzazione è una buona cosa?

Sì. Sì l’ho sempre detto che l’automatizzazione è una cosa buona. Però ho anche detto che social media è una interazione digitale inter-umana. Giudicare è la parola chiave qui.

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3 Automation mistakes you need to stop doing right now

Using bad automation habits will get you lazy and numb. Keep the social in social media and remain human where it counts.

Didn’t you always say automation is good?

Yes. Yes I did say automation is good. But I’ve also said that social media is a digital human interaction thing. Judgement is key here.

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Don’t be too proud to ask for help with digital marketing

You might think “If you want something done, do it yourself”, but you need to ask for help with digital marketing. You just can’t do it all by yourself.

Asking for help with digital marketing is not a sign of weakness

Many experts refer to one another for help with digital marketing because sometimes one is more experienced with one aspect than the other. So why shouldn’t you?

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4 new Pinterest updates you cannot ignore

The last 4 Pinterest updates are a game changer. In order to stay on top of your Pinterest marketing strategy you’d better get to know them ASAP!

OMG I can’t keep up with all those changes and Pinterest updates!

And that’s exactly why I’m here, with the weekly update (not only Pinterest updates!), in a language anyone can understand. Coming even with a few tips and implementation strategies!

You’re welcome 🙂

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Cracking the secret of an awesome Snapchat marketing strategy!

For many marketers out there, Snapchat is still a hidden path waiting to be explored. But I believe I’ve just cracked the code, and I’m sharing it with you!

Is Snapchat that app where teenagers exchange pics? Where can I fit a Snapchat marketing strategy in there?

Err, yes, sort of. It’s much more than that actually, and I’m going to expand the Snapchat marketing strategy later on, but first:

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Hashtags 101 – #LikeForLike

What’s up with them hashtags? What exactly are the secrets for great hashtags and why is nobody using my #SuperDuperAwesomeHashtag?

Yeah I know, put the hashtag symbol in front of my keywords… or something…

Or something is right. Get your S#it together and learn to use them hashtags, cos there ain’t no excuse for getting them wrong in 2016.

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Post Scheduling and the art of making time

Need more time in order to be able to run your day job AND manage your social media pages? Try post scheduling and gain instant me time!

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Is what I usually hear from my clients, when we talk about social media strategies, actions and ideas we come up with together for their own social media marketing channels. So yet again, I’m here to offer some magic tricks and cheats to make sure you manage to make the most of your social media efforts with post scheduling.

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Listen and you shall be heard

Listen to your audience so that they will feel more encouraged to listen to what you have to say. Social media is social, right?

Listen to your audience if you want to be listened to

As I tend to repeat myself, I’m going to forgive you if you skip forward to the summary in the end and don’t want to listen.

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Omnichannel and your business

Make sure you’re giving your clients the best customer experience you can by standardising what they’re experiencing all over your brand’s services.

What did you just call me?

Omnichannel is the shiz right now, since people are more than used to the fact that, for example, a company’s Twitter account is a direct contact with the company itself. Someone in there listens, and the audience expects to be heard as well.

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Social media is about to get social-er

Winter is coming. But there are more exciting changes happening right inside your mobile device!

Say what?

Yes, social media is finally getting a little more social with a few new changes to some of the main social media platforms.

I’ll explain that statement in just a minute, but first I want to explain why this change is important.

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