The secret power of Pinterest

Let me tell you about the secret power of Pinterest, and how you could harness it to vastly boost your sales!

So what’s so secret about Pinterest?

First off, what many do not know, is that Pinterest is one of the major referring social media networks to business websites. Another awesome point I’m gonna shock you with right off the bat is that 88% of Pinterest most followed influencers have purchased a product they pinned, and 49% of pinners have purchased five or more products they have pinned or repinned. But that’s not the secret power of Pinterest. Continue reading “The secret power of Pinterest”

The best social media strategy, ever

Planning a social media strategy can be quite difficult, since there are so many variables and issues rising when thinking about your social media strategy.

Looking for the best social media strategy

Can be quite difficult, since there are so many variables and issues rising each and every time you’re sitting down to think about your social media strategy. Continue reading “The best social media strategy, ever”

Why is live video broadcasting all the rage?

Live video broadcasting is all the rage nowadays, and for a really good reason. Here’s a few pointers to help you get the most out of it.

First, what is live video broadcasting?

Live video broadcasting is basically you holding your phone up, catching yourself and your surroundings on video. But that’s only part of the hype. Continue reading “Why is live video broadcasting all the rage?”

Get with the program and update your marketing

The best tip I can give you before even starting this blog post is Keep changing. Don’t stop when you find your comfort zone and expect everything to just go up-hill on neutral.

Update your marketing to remain fresh

It’s hard to stay ahead of the competition if you keep on using the same old tricks and methods. Continue reading “Get with the program and update your marketing”

Keeping up with trends – 4 quick tips and a case study

Make sure you are always on your audience’s minds and lips by keeping up with trends and using popular hashtags.

Make sure you’re keeping up with trends to stay on people’s minds (and lips)

I personally love this strategy, because you get to really get creative and break out of the usual methods you might use while generating content.
Another awesome reason for absolutely loving keeping up with trends is that there are some really funny or creative posts out there, so researching them is really fun(ny) as well! Continue reading “Keeping up with trends – 4 quick tips and a case study”

Land great landing pages

Nothing ruins trust more than a false promise. Make sure your landing pages provide what you promised on the referring link.

Hold on, what are landing pages exactly?

Landing pages are the first pages your visitors see after clicking on a link you posted somewhere, which could be your home page, but for a better, quicker and more productive costumer experience, it should be a specific page talking about a specific subject. Continue reading “Land great landing pages”

How and why you should connect with your audience – first case study

Connecting with your audience is perhaps the hardest, yet, most important part of your social media efforts. Let me give you an example on how to do that.

Connect with your audience, or else

Yes, I’m going to repeat this phrase quite a few times, since it really is a very important aspect of social media.
I’ll divide this article into three parts: The why, the how, and an example from one of my clients. Continue reading “How and why you should connect with your audience – first case study”

Time saving social media tips for your business

Remaining on top of things is hard for a business owner, and it gets even harder when you try to run your social media channels live.
Here’s a couple of time saving tips for running your social media strategy while not losing track of your business.

Continue reading “Time saving social media tips for your business”

The most important social media tip ever

Everything is connected, make sure you are too! Don’t forget this important social media tip!

Social media marketing creates doubts, and one of the most common doubts people have on Quora is about the power of social media for businesses and how it can help them.

While you can invest a lot of time and effort in your content for social media channels, it is all a waste of time if your website visitors don’t know about them. Continue reading “The most important social media tip ever”

Choosing the right social media platforms for your business

And why you should avoid the wrong ones.

Social media platforms are just evolving and multiplying non-stop

Which is both good and bad news for us marketers, but how are you supposed to be able to maintain all the channels at once, be everywhere, update and monitor everything? Continue reading “Choosing the right social media platforms for your business”