Choosing the right social media platforms for your business

And why you should avoid the wrong ones.

Social media platforms are just evolving and multiplying non-stop

Which is both good and bad news for us marketers, but how are you supposed to be able to maintain all the channels at once, be everywhere, update and monitor everything? Continue reading “Choosing the right social media platforms for your business”

4 quick tips for using social media for your business

Social media is, for some, an unexplored territory, for others the palm of their hand. Not everybody is born into it. Here are 4 tips to get you started.

Looking at the state of social media today

We notice many businesses that are trying to use social media, be it Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. I’m super happy to see people try their luck on social media, but the main error everybody’s making is thinking that having a page is enough. Continue reading “4 quick tips for using social media for your business”

The first post

A quick introduction to who I am and what I do.

So I finally decided to start a blog.

After so many years of reading other blogs and thinking to myself that I’m not really that into writing or that I didn’t have that much to write about, I have finally received a boost of confidence by some of my clients and a few friends who told me that I should totally start one, because apparently I know what I’m talking about. Continue reading “The first post”