How appropriate, an Israeli talking about a takeover
Yeah, well, that’s what they call it, a social media takeover, so get over it.
Besides, who best to talk about it, no?
Let's Get Digital
What exactly is a social media takeover and what can it do for our brand? All this and more in this article by none other than… well it’s still me, sorry.
Yeah, well, that’s what they call it, a social media takeover, so get over it.
Besides, who best to talk about it, no?
Don’t let your ads go unnoticed. Fend off the Admageddon with these simple tips and tricks for a click-worthy ad!
Do you know what the upcoming Admageddon means for your usual advertising campaigns? Are you ready to take a step forward?
For many marketers out there, Snapchat is still a hidden path waiting to be explored. But I believe I’ve just cracked the code, and I’m sharing it with you!
Err, yes, sort of. It’s much more than that actually, and I’m going to expand the Snapchat marketing strategy later on, but first:
Continue reading “Cracking the secret of an awesome Snapchat marketing strategy!”
Inbound marketing isn’t easy to achieve, just use the right instruments, like user generated content!
Exactly! A term invented solely for marketing purposes but that actually has something going on there.