Is Snapchat that app where teenagers exchange pics? Where can I fit a Snapchat marketing strategy in there?
Err, yes, sort of. It’s much more than that actually, and I’m going to expand the Snapchat marketing strategy later on, but first:
A short intro to Snapchat
Snapchat is about communities and communication. It’s name actually says it all: it’s a snappy chat app. Quickly snap photos (or videos) and share them with your friends or your followers.
The schtick about it is that your snaps can be viewed only once, unless they’re part of “your story” which can be viewed repeatedly, but only inside a 24 hour timeframe.
The awesome-er you make your snaps, the more likely you’ll get feedback and even gain fans. Just ask Shaun Ayala, a more-than-awesome artist who found Snapchat to be a perfect place for him to share his art. In one of his recent articles, he talked about a collaboration he did with The Walking Dead.
Now go back and read two paragraphs back. Yes, all the work, planning, snapping and drawing, will be there only 24 hours.
So what gives?
Your followers, thats what! I mean who…
Again, the more interesting, funny, fascinating, follow-worthy or simply FOMO—inducing your snap-stories are, the more likely people will want to follow you.
Now listen here: remember that when someone is following you, it’s their choice to click on your story and watch it, so you’ve got their undivided attention. You’re talking to them, and they’re listening.
Snapchat even boasts about this concept in their 3V ads page, saying their video ads are seen on full screen, with audio, right from the get-go!

So basically any content you create on Snapchat even tho it’s ethereal, when viewed, it’s really viewed.
Can you say the same thing for Twitter or Facebook?