The power of a social media takeover

What exactly is a social media takeover and what can it do for our brand? All this and more in this article by none other than… well it’s still me, sorry.

What exactly is a social media takeover and what can it do for our brand? All this and more in this article by none other than... well it's still me, sorry.

Choosing the right influencer for your social media takeover

I’m sorry if you thought it’s gonna be as easy as calling up PewDiePie and sell a ton, but it’s not. Just as you’re gonna have to research your audience, where they are, what they’re into and what kind of message will resonate with them, you’re going to have to research the right influencer (or micro-influencer if you’re not Microsoft or Apple).

Usually you can see who follows the influencer’s channels and you can use websites like BuzzSumo to find influencers according to a specific keyword or subject.

Keeping up with trends on Google Trends and Twitter will help you know what the young kids are all about these days.

Making order in things

Remember that planning and research are your social media takeover best friend here, and a poor strategy can make more harm than good, costing you a pretty penny.

  • Research your audience.
  • Find the correct (micro)influencer, approach him like a human being.
  • Plan what he could do on your channel.
  • Try to insert a promotion in there and get some hype around the whole story.
  • Leave them wanting more and end the social media takeover at the right time. Don’t go on to long with the takeover or it will get old.
  • Have fun with it. Yes, it’s work but it’s also social media!

Let me know how it worked out for you in the comments or leave me some questions or calls for help.

What exactly is a social media takeover and what can it do for our brand? All this and more in this article by none other than... well it's still me, sorry.

Author: Shay Stibelman

Digital marketing consultant in Milan, Italy. Born in Israel, raised in Germany by Russian parents. I help small and medium businesses get their digital marketing game on point. Perfect their website, landing pages, funnel marketing and social media strategies, in order to increase ROI and optimize that ever elusive marketing budget.